Fothma Guildhall

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The fortified guild hall protects the organizers of Fothma, otherwise known as the Friends of the Humanoid Masses, from those who do not support their crusade to convince the humanoids of the Pomarj to live peacefully.

Site Overview

The fortified guild hall protects the organizers of Fothma, otherwise known as the Friends of the Humanoid Masses, from those who do not support their crusade to convince the humanoids of the Pomarj to live peacefully.

The guild hall's fortifications are haphazard, having been built up over the years in response to various conflicts, but without a truly coherent plan or vision. Fothma guards regularly patrol the outskirts of the guild hall and constantly watch the front and back entrances to the building. These guards are experts at beating a fast retreat; it is not unusual for mobs to attempt to take out their anger on this building and its inhabitents (particularly during times of war against the self-same humanoids that Fothma believes it can civilize).


  • Fothma: The Friends of the Humanoid Masses is without a doubt the strangest of the city's adventuring guilds. It is comprised of folks who view the Pomarj's humanoid natives as misunderstood, wrongly persecuted wretches.