Malaclypse Enterprises Incorporated

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A moderately successful Business venture specializing in legal services, home security, item recovery and insurance.


MEI has several prominent business men and adventures as well as the Government of Obsidian Bay as clients. Solving People’s Problems since CY 589


  • Malphas von Malaclypse: Guild master of the Blackrazors. As a follower of Ralishaz Malphas is perhaps the most chaotic of the Blackrazors, however beneath his erratic whims, he always remains cold and calculating.
  • Smithroy Smithers: Smithroy is Malphas's seneschal and in charge of most of MEI's day to day operations. What he lacks in personality he makes up for in loyalty and effectivness.
  • Thorbaldt Ungart: Thorbaldt is employed by MEI as a trapsmith and security consultant. He is currently on leave to pursue the recovery of a dwarven mine.


  • Blackrazor Guild: Obsidian Bay's premiere guild for chaos, accidental destruction, and inadvertent heroism.


  • M.E.I.: The home office for Malaclypse Enterprises Incorporated.


  • No statblocks are available for this organization.