Persuaders Guild

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A now-defunct guild that specialized in getting people to do things that they don't necessarily want to do.


The Persuaders Guild was founded in Harvester 591 by some disaffected members of the Sellsword Guild.

Its purpose was to provide a certain level of incentive to persuade the enemies of their clients to comply with their client’s wishes. Whether this be the intimidation of someone into a specific course of action, such as entering into an unfavorable business deal, or the outright use of force, such as breaking the legs of an individual for an unpaid debt, the Persuaders Guild specialized in providing this type of incentive.

Unfortunately for them, they went up against a force they were not ready to deal with: the Messengers Guild. Two of the Persuaders foremost guildmembers, Salsar and Wind, went to confront the leader of the Messengers Guild and demand that he stop his campaign of terror aimed at getting all freelance messengers to join his guild. The Persuaders were killed, and their decapitated heads delivered to their guildmaster, Wulfstan Turoc, who promptly fled to Blue.

It's possible he may attempt to restart the guild there, but to date Turoc has spent most of his time drinking in dive bars.

Guild Statistics

  • Associated Classes: Fighter, Barbarian, Ranger, Rogue
  • Associated Skills: Bluff, Intimidate, Knowledge(local), Sense Motive
  • Entry Requirements: At least one level in a guild associated class, 4 ranks in a guild associated skill, entry dues*

Guild Lore

  • DC 10: The Persuaders generally hang out in the Dagger Down Tavern
  • DC 15: The Guildmaster was a barbaric fighter named Wolfstan Touroc, and the second in command was Dirty Salsar, both of whom were ex-members of the Sellsword Guild.
  • DC 20: The guild suddenly ceased to exist after Salsar and his guildmate Wind went to "persuade" the leader of the Messengers guild and ended up with their skulls delivered to the inn where Wulfstan Turoc was staying.


  • Salsar "Dirty Salsar": A former member of the Sellsword Guild and one of the founding members of the mercenary assocation known as the Persuaders.
  • Wulfstan Turoc, Persuader's Guildmaster: The Guildmaster and co-founder of the Persuader's Guild
  • Wind: Wind was a member of the Persuaders Guild and accompanied assistant guildmaster Dirty Salsar to his showdown with the Messengers Guild ... which resulted in both of their deaths.


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