Salsar was former member of the Sellsword Guild and one of the founding members of the mercenary assocation known as the Persuaders Guild. He was slain in a showdown with the Messengers Guild.
- Class(es): Fighter 4
- Sex: Male
- Race: Human ( Oerdian)
- God: None
- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- Status: Alive
- City: Obsidian Bay
- Country: Domain of Obsidian Bay
"Dirty" Salsar was a mostly Oeridian man, slightly over 6' tall 200 lbs. His generally chaotic outlook on life was unusual for someone of his race, but when it comes to martial issues, his Oeridian sense of order came out.
Salsar was an ex-Sellsword Guild member originally from the port city of Prymp in what is now the [[Great Kingdom of Ahlissa. As the headquarters of the Great Kingdom's Imperial Navy, Prymp was a city bustling with sailors, marines, privateers, and merchant vessels, all ruled by corrupt and often evil nobles (some made undead Animuses by Overking Ivid's command). As the Great Kingdom splintered into several nations, Salsar thought it would be best to seek his fortunes elsewhere before he became impressed into the army, naval service, or worse in service to a lord he didn't trust, or fighting for a cause he didn't believe in. Not coming from a wealthy family, he had to sign on for a short stint in the Sellsword Guild as repayment for them covering his voyage out of Prymp on a Darksea Guild merchant vessel.
This drove him to Obsidian Bay, where he had heard adventuring was profitable. After his commitment was fulfilled, he left the Sellsword Guild at the first opportunity, first becoming the personal bodyguard and hired muscle of Vargas, a young aristocrat in Obsidian Bay for a brief adventure, then he participated in a few more smaller adventures on the Pomarj with Vargas' acquaintances. He then met up with a few other disgruntled ex-Sellswords, and became one of the co-founders of the Persuader's Guild, formed to help make people see the way the Guild's clients want them to.
He was killed in a confrontation with the leader of the Messengers Guild, along with his fellow Persauder, Wind
- Sellsword Guild: The Sellswords are cutthroat mercenaries with close ties to the Darksea Guild.
- Persuaders Guild: A guild specializing in getting people to do things that they don't necessarily want to do.
Dirty Salsar: Male Human Ftr4; Medium Humanoid; CR 4; HD 4d10+12; hp 51; Init +2; Spd 20 ft/x4; AC 18 (+5 armor, +2 dex, +1 deflection), touch 13, flat-footed 16; Base Atk/Grapple +4/+7; Full Atk +9 +1d4 Dirty Fighting on Full Attack (1d10+4;19-20/x2, Masterwork bastard sword(martial)), +6 Two-handed (1d8;19-20/x2, Light Crossbow), +8 +1d4 Dirty Fighting on Full Attack (1d4+3;19-20/x2, Masterwork dagger), +7 +1d4 Dirty Fighting on Full Attack (1d8+4;20/x2, Morningstar), +8 One-handed (1d6+3;20/x2, Masterwork spiked armor), +8 Anarchic (1d8+5;20/x3, Chaosbringer, +1 Battleaxe); AL CN; SV Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 16(+3), Dex 14(+2), Con 16(+3), Int 10(+0), Wis 10(+0), Cha 10(+0); Skills: Climb¹ +3, Intimidate¹ +6, Jump¹ -3, Knowledge (local) +2, Profession (Mercenary) +1, Swim¹ +0. Feats: Iron Will, Power Attack, Cleave, Toughness, Weapon Focus(Bastard Sword(martial)), Dirty Fighting --NukeHavoc 19:53, 13 July 2007 (PDT)