Starfire Guild
An adventuring guild dominated by arcane spellcasters.
- City: Obsidian Bay
- Country: Domain of Obsidian Bay
- Leader: Nola Fireheart
- Roster: 45
The Starfire Guild is one of the most magic-intensive adventuring guilds in Obsidian Bay.
All of its members are practitioners of the Art, with their ranks filled equally with wizards, sorcerers, and bards. Their members tend toward more chaotic philosophies, and as such, have little use for the Obsidian Tower or its "pet" Guild of Wizardry.
While most of those on its roster are human, demi-humans are not uncommon. Most of these are elves, half-elves or gnomes but there is the occasional rare halfling spellcaster.
The Starfire Guild has been in existence for nearly 40 years. It’s most famous member was an elven mage-warrior named Willow Wind (Wizard 14 / Fighter 5). Willow Wind founded the Starfire Guild in CY 545 after a falling out with the Griffins Guild (of which he was a founding member). After four decades with the Starfires the honored elf resigned his commission and left the city in CY 571. Some say he returned to his homeland of Celene, others said he departed for the Lendore Isles.
The guild spends little time actually adventuring on The Pomarj, instead preferring to investigate distant or extraplanar locales. They are on good terms with most of the more chaotic guilds in the city, save the Blackrazor Guild, whom they despise with an irrational passion. It is rumored that the Blackrazors insulted the guild greatly at some point. The exact nature of the insult isn’t known, but its said it had something to do with the halfling wizard and long-time guild member Erlin Longpipe.)
The guild’s present leader is the half-elf Nola Fireheart (Wizard 8 / Ranger 4 / Spellsword 4), an impressive spellsword with a notoriously short temper.
- Nola Fireheart, Guildmaster: The fiery leader of the Starfire Guild
- Erlin Longpipe, A legendary halfling wizard within the Starfire Guild, who died on the Planes of Chaos at some point in early 580s.
- Willow Wind, A powerful ranger/wizard with connections to the elves of Celene and the Lendore Isles.
- Soledium the Poisoned, When his father, an Obsidian Bay fisherman, was killed by a particularly deadly monstrous jellyfish, Cole Merson decided to dedicate his entire life to understanding and preventing such deaths.
Starfire Spellsword Disciple
Starfire Spellsword Disciple (Ftr1/Wiz3), Male Human, Medium Humanoid; CR 4; HD 3d4+1d10; hp 17; Init +2; Spd 30 ft/x4; AC 14 (+2 armor, +2 dex), touch 12, flat-footed 12; Base Atk/Grapple +2/+3; Full Atk +4 One-handed (1d8+1;19-20/x2, Masterwork longsword), +4 One-handed (1d4+2;19-20/x2, +1 Dagger), +4 Two-handed (1d8;19-20/x2, Light Crossbow); AL CG; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7; Str 13(+1), Dex 14(+2), Con 10(+0), Int 16(+3), Wis 14(+2), Cha 11(+0); Skills: Climb +3, Concentration +5, Decipher Script +6, Intimidate +1, Jump +3, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (religion) +5, Knowledge (the planes) +12, Spellcraft +12. Feats: Combat Casting, Iron Will, Skill Focus(Knowledge (the planes)), Spell Focus(Evocation) Spells: 4:0th, 3:1st, 2:2nd, DC 13 +spell level, Evocation Spells 15 +spell level; Equipment: Masterwork longsword, light crossbow, Bracers of Armor +2, Assorted other minor/medium items (Rings, Wands, etc.)