Promethean Steelbrand

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Promethean Steelbrand is the half-elf owner of Steelbrand Trading Co., a respected business in Obsidian Bay specializing in the import of fine grade and exotic metals. He is an expert trader and a known dabbler in the sorcerous arts.


Promethean Steelbrand is the half-elf owner of Steelbrand Trading Company, a respected business in Obsidian Bay specializing in the import of fine grade and exotic metals. He is an expert trader and a known dabbler in the sorcerous arts.

He is the nephew of Corwin Steelbrand, a long-time citizen of the city who arrived there in the mid-550s and was known for his even-handed business dealings and his refined, cultured tastes. The elder Steelbrand was known in the adventuring community for occasionally hiring on freelancers to investigate ore deposits or lost mines in the Drachensgrabs, or to assist him on expeditions to the Amedio Jungle and wilder lands.

Death in the Family

Corwin died during the Fall of Obsidian Bay, much to the sorrow of Promethean and members of the city's adventuring guilds, particularly the Goldseekers, Sunken Hammers and Starfires. When word of his uncle's death reached him in Gradsul, where he operated one of the company's trading offices, Promethean vowed to return and take up his uncle's legacy when -- if -- the Obsidian Bay was liberated.

Nobel Intentions

He made good on his promise when the Blackrazors successfully banished the Bloodlord from the Flanaess, and the Army of Obsidian Bay was able to march on the city and reclaim it from the straggling humanoids and Scarlet Brotherhood agents who had survived the demons.

Mindful of the terror that came to the city, he has decided to take a more active role in promoting its defense and well-being. Where his uncle hired adventurers to seek out new profits, Promethean now hires them to fight evil the city is too busy -- or too distracted -- to deal with.

Two of his newest adventurer recruits are Prug the Thrice Risen and Gruffudd Castlemaine.



  • No statblock is available for this character

NukeHavoc 17:50, 2 December 2007 (PST)