The Caring Cudgel

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An orphanage and congregation founded by Calvin Cloudmore, cleric of St. Cuthbert, formerly of the Blackrazor Guild.


The Caring Cudgel is a large orphanage founded by the Blackrazor and Cuthbertian billet Calvin Cloudmore to atone for his sins while living as a bandit in Northern Aerdy.

Bankrolled largely by the notorious mage Falgar (who was himself and orphan, and whom is blamed by many in the city for greatly increasing the number of orphans by accidentally incinerating his own men during the Battle of Blue) the orphanage is home to approximately 40 orphans at any given time.

The orphange is also home to a sizable building that serves as a meeting hall for a St. Cuthbert congregation in the Mudsitters District, as well as a parsonage for the Cloudmore family.

After Calvin Cloudmore was killed by a shadow demon in CY 591, the shepharding of the orphanage and its congregation passed to his wife, Clara Cloudmore, also a cleric of St. Cuthbert.


  • Clara Cloudmore, the matron of the Caring Cudgel and billet of St. Cuthbert.
  • Calvin Cloudmore, co-founder of the Caring Cudgel and billet of St. Cuthbert.


  • Church of St. Cuthbert, Obsidian Bay: The Church of St. Cuthbert’s pragmatic, no nonsense approach has a strong following in the city's poorer districts, (much to the annoyance the more chaotic faiths).


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