Mages of the Obsidian Tower

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A reclusive and secretive organization of spellcasters dedicated to the protection of the Flanaess from all manner of extraplaner invasion.


A reclusive and secretive organization of spellcasters dedicated to the protection of the Flanaess from all manner of extraplaner invasion.Their headquarters, The Obsidian Tower, formerly sat within the city of Obsidian Bay itself, but was transported elsewhere during the invasion by the Scarlet Brotherhood's forces.


  • Alec Oldin, The soft-spoken master of the Griffins Guild.
  • Aesop, longtime Blackrazor and member of the tower
  • Falgar, battlemage and member of the tower
  • Corwin Aldroc, Guildmaster of the Guild of Wizardry: The fiery, but competent, leader of the Guild of Wizardry.
  • Greylen, The leader of the Obsidian Tower.
  • Tanevir Calywyn, Field General, Lord Warden of Mormaeglindor: Elevated to the rank of Field General in the Obsidian Bay Army. A former Guildmaster of the Blackrazors, Tanevir devoted much of his time to arcane research and furthering his interests in the Lortmil Mountains before assuming his current post.

Extra Planer Members

  • Aynmarenn (Wiz 12/Clr 5) the female human cleric of Boccob
  • Jith Vendhzar (Wiz 10/Loremaster 5), master of Obsianus House
  • Thrax, a Dragonborn Wizard, and planetorn refugee who now works for the Obsidian Tower
  • Zilanderan (4E Wiz 15), planetorn investigator

Former Members


  • Obsidian Tower: Tower was teleported safely from Obsidian Bay during the city's fall to the Scarlet Brotherhood and the assault on the tower by seven ancient Suel archmages. No one knows where it's located now, though rumors say its in the Drachensgrab Mountains.
  • Obsianus House, the floor of the Obsidian Tower which dwells on Sigil.
  • Ruins of the Obsidian Tower: The ruins of the Obsidian Tower in Obsidian Bay contain several levels of dungeons, all carefully protected by powerful magic aimed at keeping intruders out ... and the denizens of those dungeons in.


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