Revenge of the Mummy, Part 1

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About the Saga


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes

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What Has Come Before

The Blackrazors have looted the Vault of Long Shadows within Maure Castle and returned to Obsidian Bay seeking guidance on how to unlock a magical chest they found there, as well as to rest and recover in preparation for a new assault on the ruins. Little do they know that an old curse has finally caught up with them...

The Saga

Sunsebb 6, CY 591

Jakob takes the adamantine chest to the basement of the Blackrazor Guildhall for safe keeping. Silas goes to the Guild of Wizardry, and tries to arrange a meeting with an expert on shadows; the steward agrees to setup a meeting with Saheed Darksteel.

Back at the guild hall, new-initiate Rex sells his dwarf-bane bow to the guild, and then contracts with Falgar to magically upgrade his existing bow with "seeking". Thorin heads down to Irontown, where he commissions an undead bane axe through a weaponsmith, Brovo Dragonbeard.

That night, Rex is initiated into the guild, fighting STOMP, a huge, 7-foot warrior wearing rhinosaurous armor and wielding a tremendous 8 foot tall sword. Stomp charges into Rex, clobbering him with his large-sized full-blade. Rex is caught off guard, tries to trip the warrior, but fumbles. Rex looks worried for a moment, but then the big warrior himself stumbles. Rex again tries trip his enemy, but fails. The weaponmaster runs up,

Ian (5 rounds) -- bets 100 gp (which Aaron takes). The half-elf also agrees to invest in Ian's new tavern. Moraim (3 rounds)

The Blackrazors drink long into the night. Thorin goes to the dwarven inn, the Golden Anvil in Irontown.

Sunsebb 7, CY 591

Early in the morning -- around 4 a.m. -- a blackrazor returns, suffering from some unknown disease, and tells them that the redshirts were ambushed. Find the site of the ambush. Ian finds evidence that skeletons did the killing. That morning the Blackrazors are informed by the City Guard that several of their members were killed, and a survivor -- as well as two diseased corpses -- were taken back to the Church of Pelor.

Head out to the temple of pelor, leaving Ian in charge. They talk with the Herald of the Sun Father, who explains he does not know what disease the redshirt is suffering from, but fears it is magical. The Blackrazors are then taken to speak with the survivor, who says he saw an individual with desiccated hands to approach him and say 'defilers' as well as some other words in a language like flan.

Then his chest convulses, exploding in a cascade of sickly green light that leaves a vile wake. Afterwards, an orb-like cyst appears where the man's chest used to be. It lashes out at Rex with a bit of the man's intenstines, wrapping it around his neck and pumping blood from his throat. The blackrazors quickly kill it and the thing drops off, but then suddenly a form appears behind them. It reveals itself as a mummified corpse, causing Moraim to tremble in fear. It then says something in a derivative of Flan, which Silas understands as "Defilers of the Golden Sarcaphagus, die! Revenge is ours!"

A small army of skeletons -- 20 in all -- arise from the corpses of those killed in the earlier blast. Dworkin tries to turn them, holding aloft his Bronze Key of Portals, but his faith fails him. Rex lashes out at a skeleton and destroys it, but then stumbles badly on the follow up, disorienting himself.

Silas manages to take down another skeleton, and duck out of the way while Moriam and Rex drool. Jakob again presents his holy symbol, and this time the power of Dalt flows through him, destroying all of the skeletons. The creature casts a spell, freezing Jakob in place with profane energy.

Moraim steps up and tries to batter the mummy, but misses, as does Rex. Silas however, manages to hit with his cold iron long swords. In a moment of recognition, Moraim and Silas realize that they are fighting an ancient Ur-Flan mummy.

Dworkin shakes off the hold person spell the mummy cast earlier and tries to turn it, but fails. Rex is finally able to land a series of crippling blows, destroying the mummy. Moraim casts "detect magic" realizing that the mummy's chainmail and mace are evil, as well a bag behind a bed.

Sir Peldonius Trueshield charges in, demanding an explanation. Silas gives an explanation. They realize that all the Blackrazor redshirts are dead. Also, Rex explains the mummy seemed drawn to the blackrazor, referenced the defilers of the gold sarcophagus.

Summons George Fillerman and the master of the Guild of Wizardry to Sir Peldonious. George explains that the Blackrazors once looted a cairn outside of Greyhawk that held a Golden Sarcaphagous. Peldonious casts "detect evil" and learns that the heavy mace is unholy, and the Pelorites agree to destroy it. Also discover that the bag of holding is a type II bag of holding.


Silas and Rex receive 300 xp. Moriam receives 481 xp. Dworkin receives 244 xp