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A Blackrazor stronghold located near the edge of the Mistmarsh in the Domain of Greyhawk.


A Blackrazor stronghold located near the edge of the Mistmarsh in the Domain of Greyhawk.


  • Mist Silvershroud: An elven ranger who serves the Blackrazors in Greyhawk, and now acts as a steward of Swamphold.


  • Blackrazor Guild: Obsidian Bay's premiere guild for chaos, accidental destruction, and inadvertent heroism.

Blackrazor Guild
Blackrazor Guild Arms.png Guild Masters (Past to Present) Brant Bladescream | Malphas von Malaclypse | Damocles Everton | Tänévir Calywyn | Malphas von Malaclypse
Share Holders Malphas von Malaclypse | Ragnar Blackmane | Falgar
Holdings Blackrazor Guildhall, Obsidian Bay | Blackrazor Guildhall, Hochoch | Blackrazor House, Seltaren | Blackrazor Guildhall, Greyhawk | Blackrazor Barony Keep, Pest's Crossing | Blackrazor Brewery | Swamphold
Other Blackrazor Guild Sagas | Blackrazor Guild, Roster | Redshirts | Blackrazor, Sword | The Sea Razor | Order of the Razor | A History of the Blackrazor Guild | Four Wizards of the Blackrazor Guild