Dark City Campaign
From The Griffin's Crier
Dark City is an urban campaign taking place almost entirely in the city of Obsidian Bay. It follows the adventures of a number of new arrivals to the city as they struggle to adjust and fit in to their new home. It takes place in late CY 591. The campaign is comprised of two subcampaigns:
- Shadows of the Silver Flame: The upper-level campaign featuring the original Dark City heroes.
- Pathfinders: The lower-level campaign, following a new set of adventurers through Obsidian Bay.
Current Status
The campaign is active.
Cast of Characters
View the "Dark City Campaign Player Characters" category
Shadows of the Silver Flame
- Corash, elven wizard searching for lost secrets
- Gruffudd Castlemaine, half-elf paladin of Lendor
- Kerth Greenfield, human divine servant of Pelor
- Thom Silverbow, half-elf bard extraordinare
- Vargas, aristocratic human shadowmancer
- Sir Krovacar Fawkes, human paladin of Wee Jas
- Stony George, of the Orcslayers Guild
- Erngard, Orcslayers Guild member with a dark past
- Mica Brightpick, gnome jeweler seething with hidden rage
- Largo Leftpocket, hero of the Couriers
- Gorrock Headspliter, half-orc fighter occationally working for the "B team"
- "The Dwarf", a surly rogue who refuses to reveal his given name
- Glenmore, human bard from "The North"
- Garioch the Black, cleric/wizard of Istus
Shadows of the Silver Flame
- Absalom, urban druid
- Calarandil Tilmarion
- Prug, the Thrice Risen, half-orc cleric/monk of Zodal
- Gerran, wandering priest of Fharlanghn
- Brand of the Whispering Vale, ranger/sorcerer follower of Trithereon
- Kolborg Drammenmark, rogue
- Geminal the Pure, human rouge
- Christoph, rogue in hiding from the draft
Shadows of the Silver Flame
- Seamus Fisher, human fisherman from Coral Cove
- Garth, gnome cleric of Ulaa, formerly of the Principality of Ulek
- Ferdiad, human ranger follower of Krovis
- Erithacus, half-elf rogue
- Zilanderan, the planetorn swordsage
- The Astonishing Guizepo
Character Creation
New characters should be of appropriate level, built using a 30 point buy, and use the standard starting gold and magic item restrictions as outlined in Starting Wealth Guidelines.
- Silver Flame Characters start at 5th level.
- Pathfinder Characters start at 2nd level.
- Obsidian Bay: The city that is home to the campaign.
- Sidewinder Pass: A twisting, dangerous underground passage way into the UnderOerth which the Dark City heroes once investigated.
- “The Green Griffon Tavern”, Book of Roguish Luck web enhancement by Malhavoc Press. Download the PDF; in our campaign, the Tavern is located in the Strange Quarter.